I have a website called www.yahudahfirst.com .
I designed it myself. It contains unique artwork and also information about each tribe and our people. Please take the time to explore my website. These unique shirts will help contribute to the awakening of our people. I would like to sell the...
amun tehuti-shil yashua
amun yashua
christianitychristianity history
christianity hotline
christianity in china
christianity vs catholicism
mad genius
orthodox christianity
the origin of christianity
amun tehuti-shil yashua
brotha amun
dr york
dr. malachi z. york the people before adam
dr. malachi z. york who and what are you
mad genius
om meditation - malachi york - extended version
orthodox christianity
the origin of christianity
amun tehuti-shil yashua
black genocide
brotha amun
dr malachi z york
dr york
mad genius
orthodox christianity
the origin of christianity
war on blacks
amun tehuti-shil yashua
amun yashua
black genocide
dr york
mad genius
orthodox christianity
the origin of christianity
war on blacks
white supremacy
Not sure if this is the best place to start this conversation but we definitely have some questions pertaining to the significance of numbers in the bible. We're talking more than just the number three and seven. but for example, 40 being the number of tribulations. Noah was at sea for 40 days...
Also see this video
The Roman empire rewrote the Bible, history, and anything that revealed the truth about the world and people.
Christianity has always been a homosexual promoting satanist religion on the down low. Christianity which was heavily influenced by the Catholic church came from...
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