a national holiday

  1. Balitaxitour

    The Front Porch : Hi World

    We are Partner Bali Tour [ Mr Cholil ] ," Serve Taxi Serve Tour and trip in Bali - Indoniesia ,as long as your holiday in Bali for making your enjoy your boliday in Bali explore interesting spot like are Beach Land Mountain Dance Culture Actipities River Etc.. : We handle serve tour and trips...
  2. Clyde C Coger Jr

    Black People : Why Columbus Day isn’t really a national holiday

    In the Spirit of Sankofa, Why Columbus Day isn’t really a national holiday This Monday, some folks will have a day off to commemorate Columbus Day and some won’t. So what is the legal basis for the holiday and is it truly a national holiday? CristobalColon Officially, Columbus Day is...