Tariq Muhammad
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  • Hey Tariq, just dropping by to once again in-hale the beauty of your home :D
    much love to you and your's.
    I wrote to several managers of this group, and can't seem to get an answer, I want my membership to this group cancelled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Tariq, here is an update:

    cherryblossom, thank you for the user note:

    Brother Clyde
    It was brought to our attention that during Group Think last Thursday, it was suggested that the Sisters start their own financial fund. Is the FEFF just for the BrothersChat or is it a Destee.com FAMILY fund?

    Correct, the FEFF is set up for full site participation. There should be no misunderstanding.

    Brother Tariq Muhammad often speaks to us on the financial interests of ancestor Booker T. Washington; and we have the ancestors of the famous Greenwood community in Tulsa, OK as a model to offset the common knowledge among blacks that we cannot handle money. Again, we are grateful to the efforts of Black WallStreet and wish to repeat and carry on the work of that group of ancestors, here…

    Also, GroupThink is separate and apart from Reuniting/Rebuilding our Community meeting, they both only occur on Thursdays.

    Tariq, update on mic distribution, if accepted by sister asimplepoet, our count remains at (4) mic's on hand:

    WARRIOR, below is the customer I referred to in yesterday's meeting, you may also review her profile page and correct your e-mail address if I have it incorrectly:


    Sister cherryblossom has informed me that you need a mic, please contact Brother WARRIOR at POINTMAN20000@yahoo.com to receive one at no cost...Peace In my sister friend,

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