Recent content by strgblkwoman

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    Poet of the Week : Poet of the Week...ASHANTA!!!

    Congratulations Ashanta God knows your needs before you can even ask. Truly, His blessings come right on time. Stay strong for his blessings are never withheld from those who love the Lord.
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    Black Poetry : The Power of One

    Thank you $$Rich$$
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    Black Poetry : The Beauty Within

    $$Rich$$, thank you for your comments. The beauty always resides in the values of ones morals.
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    Black Poetry : The Power of One

    In the shadows of time, one has fought for a cause, trodden and weary, stumbling while lost. Searching for such to call all their own, no dwelling to claim, for they haven’t a home. Stripped of their honor, a deep-seated pain, robbed of their history through loss of their name. Oppression...
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    Black Poetry : The Beauty Within

    I agree Aminata. Inner beauty and spirit are more important things to look at in a person than mere physical beauty. Yet the eye of the beholder usually instinctively looks at the external first. To some extent most of us are guilty in that area but then our intellect should caution us to not...
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    Black Poetry : The Beauty Within

    Noting that appearance has its certain significance, the heart and spirit should always take precedence over the outward appearance. In my personal opinion, the whole package would include a well rounded individual that is not only intelligent, but in tune with their faith, morals, values...
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    Black Poetry : The Beauty Within

    Have you ever been told beauty is in the eye of the beholder? Yet the beholder only values what the naked eye can see. Is one’s beauty merely external, a shapely frame, flowing with grace? Or can one look beyond the surface, beyond the view of skin deep? Have you ever been told that...
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    Black Poetry : Thinkin' Deeper

    RE: N2ursoul: Thinking Deeply Quite often I awake in the wee hours of the night as I become inspired to write. The pen has a mind of its own sometimes. It takes control of your desire to even sleep once the strength of its inspiration wins the battle over your physical will to do whatever it...
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    Black Poetry : The Faces We Wear

    The Faces We Wear was inspired by the relationships that are established at home, work, church, etc. During the establishment of those relationships, sometimes we pretend to be a certain way so that we may become accepted by an individual or an organization. Sometimes we become deceitful in...
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    Black Poetry : The Natural Order

    The Natural Order is akin to a child longing to attain love whereever they may find it. Unfortunately, it is often sought after in the wrong manner and seemingly found in the wrong person. We must cherish our loved ones when they are young so they mature in a healthy manner: physically and...
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    Black Poetry : The Voice of A Little Child

    The Voice of A Little Child reminds me also of a child longing to attain their parents attention but reluctant to bother the always busy parent. However time loss may never be regained and we must remember to cherish each and every day because tomorrow is not even promised. We must cherish our...
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    Black Poetry : Strong Black Woman

    Someone once said, behind every great man is a strong woman. An adage to some and a reality to others. Truly, where would we be without them? Your acknowlegement of this fact and the struggle for success that most strong black women endeavor to achieve is sincerely appreciated.
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    Black Poetry : The Natural Order

    The passion to teach with splendor and style, the natural order for rearing a child. The nurture of parents both male and female promotes the fullness to balance the scale. When scales are unbalanced, dubiety breathes. The child loses self where lack is conceived. When identity’s...
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    Black Poetry : The Faces We Wear

    A pretense of love to solicit a friendship. A façade of acceptance when forming a kinship. The faces we wear, void of honor and truth. Deceit is its name. Shame is its proof. The faces we wear, the falsehoods of notion. Climbing the ladder for success and promotion. Where is integrity...
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    Black Poetry : The Voice of A Little Child

    I truly believe at some time or another in our childhood life, we may have personnally experienced the loneliness and comfort that only a parent can give. And now that I have children of my own, I put forth my best effort to include them in my life no matter how busy I am so that they will...