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  • I've been thinking about you, almost worrying, so glad to see you! Hoping you and yours are all doing well! Looks like we get another year Brother Info! Happy New Year to Us! Love You! <3
    Thanks for the heads up on how to act with someone elses poetry. I really did not realize tht was disrespect. I've done it also.
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    Reactions: info-moetry
    It's ok to do it once in a while to show appreciation, but i just realized that guy does it to everyone's poetry. He even bumps up all of his stuff to try and control the front page of the poetry forum which is disrespectful to other poets who also want there stuff seen. By the way he responded to my friendly little suggestion, i think he does it on purpose because in the last 30 minutes or so, he's written
    (i guess you could call it a poem) something in regards to why people can't see why a black man needs to vent. I never said he couldn't vent, i just suggested that he do it in his own threads. He posted a whole, some type of short story in response to one of my poems a month or so ago and i didn't say anything. But, i just realized he does this to everyone and that's just psychotic.
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