A007...a cut and paste to kemetkind on the question:
Brother kemetkind,
Below is a question from A007, to which answer from you could very well get us started on the road that you suggested in the KJV thread....Peace In kemetkind.
I think the fundamental difference in HOW to free people from mental slavery prevents that from happening. RU and I are CLEAR that calling the bible the word of God PREVENTS the mental freedom that is necessary for our people to move forward. So, although Clyde and Music are our brothers, it seems that until we get to the TRUTH that we can NOT TEACH THE TRUTH! Kemet, what do you think?
Brother kemetkind,
Below is a question from A007, to which answer from you could very well get us started on the road that you suggested in the KJV thread....Peace In kemetkind.
I think the fundamental difference in HOW to free people from mental slavery prevents that from happening. RU and I are CLEAR that calling the bible the word of God PREVENTS the mental freedom that is necessary for our people to move forward. So, although Clyde and Music are our brothers, it seems that until we get to the TRUTH that we can NOT TEACH THE TRUTH! Kemet, what do you think?