Black Astrology : THE TRUE MEANING OF THE NUMBER 13...

"Without the Thirteenth Moon; without placing the Thirteenth Moon back into our consciousness, we remain absolutely trapped in the complexification of form. With the 13th we have the transcendence and also the circulation of time." -Valum Votan
The pattern of women's fertility cycles averages the 28-day, 13 moon ratio! Nature's rhythms live within us!
Why has the 13th moon been hidden from us? What is to be gained by suppressing the creational principle of Mother Nature?
As prominent theoretical physicist Gerard J. Milburn reveals, "The aim of modern science is to reach an understanding of the world, not merely for purely aesthetic reasons, but that it may be ordered to our purpose."
Living under the guise of the 12-month calendar, we have come to view nature as irrelevant - wilderness without intelligence, sentience, or order. It is from this fundamentally flawed perception that humanity attempts to progress 'beyond the limitations of nature.' In fact, it is our model of nature that is flawed, not nature itself.
As a comprehensive reflection of nature, the 13-Moon Calendar is an organization of creational elements that serves as a holistic tool for ongoing participation in life's cyclic processes.If humanity wish to produce harmony, we must use harmonic tools!


The 13-Moon Natural Time Calendar presents the Dreamspell - the interlacing of the 13-moon, 28-day solar/lunar round with the 13-Tone, 20-Tribe galactic spin.
13 X 20 = 260 distinct energies. This 260-day perpetual count is a perfect model of harmony - a universal expression of Nature's order, derived from the mathematics of the the ancient Maya. Referred to as the Harmonic Module, (called Tzolkin by the Yucatec Maya) this galactic count communicates the time ratios and patterns which unify our solar system with other star systems, and with the emanations of life-force from the center of the galaxy itself.
As a "galactic constant" the 260-day cycle does not correspond to any known astronomical period, yet the number 260 functions as a cosmic common denominator to synthesize the cycles of the Sun, Moon, Earth, Mars, Mercury, and Venus. In essence, it is the key factor of all the planetary periods. The 260-day cycle also corresponds to the human gestation period of approximately 9 months, perfectly expressing its power as a cycle governing the unfolding of creation! We also see 260 in macro-cycles such as the grand, 26,000-year precession of the equinoxes, which author John Major Jenkins points out is like a "collective, spiritual gestation for humankind." Even eclipses relate by a number whose factor is 260! As Jenkins assures us in his insightful book "Tzolkin" - the 260-day cycle has "multiple meanings," as it applies to "celestial, biological, agricultural, mythological, and chronological processes."

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"Tzolkin is the 'key' to both terrestrial and celestial processes. It's kind of the common modulator or common denominator of the two realms. This is how we can understand Mayan astrology. They discovered the numerical and ritual key. Most important in the astrology is the reference to the human gestation period of approximately 260 days. As such, our own basic and shared rhythm of unfolding is seen to be intimately related to the cycles of the planets, moon and sun. This is more than just planets "influencing" us - rather we share the same rhythms of unfolding that the planets do because, ultimately, everything springs from the same source. Everything, on some level, has been imparted by the same rhythm of unfolding and is therefore related by a form of synchronistic correspondence."-Author John Major Jenkins
The harmonic numbers of the Tzolkin are as clear as our 20 fingers and toes - digits with which to measure the universe. Our body's 13 major joints, or articulations, move us through the universe. Through movement and measure, we experience each other and ourselves as the universe.
From a whole system perspective, time, humanity, and nature are inseparable. Our physical and emotional bodies are moved by the same lunar, solar and planetary forces. Where we appear separate in space, we are unified in time.'s cal page.htm
This video confirms the matriarchal origin as well as the feminine principle as well as unveiling the intentional ignorant silence of the Greeks and Romans who did not understand what they copied and attempted to recreate, SMH!

Revisiting the talk of the original 13 signs of the zodiac, we must first come to grips with the original system of months. If you have 13 signs you should have 13 months based on the lunar cycle. The solar cycle does not change because the 30 day rotational period is accurate but it is the lunar period that is not.

First we have to understand what a month is. A month is simply based on simple mathematics. If we have 7 days in a week and only 4 weeks in a month then multiplying 7 x 4 should render the number 28 which is the actual cycle of the moon (27.9 days). Now if there are only 12 months in a year then, 28 days per month will not add up to 365 days it would add up to 336 days. We can’t add extra days to the moon cycle as though the moon is based on our time and not its own cycle. First let’s make this clear, the word ‘Month’ literally means ‘moon’ or ‘moon’s cycle’. If a month is a moon’s cycle then no lunar month should add up to 29, 30 or 31 days because that is unnatural and impossible.

According to ancient records there were 13 months in the lunar calendar year but that changed with the introduction to the Georgian calendar of the Roman Empire. Mathematically, if you do 13 x 28 you will get 364 which is logical but that’s the issue, were not looking for logical we are looking for the truth. Well the truth can be found in what a day is. We believe that a day represents 24 hours even, but it doesn’t, it actually represents 23.9 hours (23hrs 56min). There are 4minutes less a day then what we think there is. What you do is take that 4 minutes and x it by 364 days which will equal 1456 minutes. Then you take the 23 hours a day and x's it by 60 minute which will be 1380 minutes. You then take the residue 56 minutes and add it to the 1380 and you get the number 1436 minutes. By adding up the true amount of minutes in a day you will have 1436. If you add the extra 4 minutes that were falsely added to a day and times it by 364 lunar days - this equals 1456 minutes which is a whole day and 20 minutes to spare. This extra 4 minutes have given us the 365th day. There is no 365 days of a year, its all a lie that was purposely created to throw us off and also because of the number 13. Using the numerological system the numbers 365 equal 14 (3+6+5=14) before reduction to 5. When using the correct amount of days you get the number 13 (3+6+4=13) before reduction to 4. There are 13 months, 13 signs and each year numerically represents 13. By changing the time you change the vibration and the energy of how we live and operate.

Mathematically we have a perfect calculation which shows that there was 13 lunar months. The ancients knew what they were doing and to make matters more clear there were 13 constellations that went along with this perfect number of months. Many are waking up to the ancient knowledge of 13 signs but few have come to the knowledge of 13 months. Each of these signs is represented by animals and humans yet there is one sign that doesn’t resemble animals or humans but a scale which sits directly in the middle of the 13 signs. The sign of Libra is actually the 7th sign (6 signs before it and 6 signs after it) which makes a lot of sense because the name given for the month September has the word ‘Sept’ in it which means 7. Part of September host the sign of Libra but I will propose later in this article that the month of September (28 days) is Libra.

I find myself drifting back over into the issue of months again because the numbers of the months are coded in some of the names which were clues to the real numbers to the months and which month was first and which was actually last. For the name September the word ‘Sept’ means 7, the old name for the month of August was ‘Sextiliss’ which began with the Latin word ‘Sex’ which means 6. Then you have the word ‘October’ which begins with the Latin word ‘Oct’ which means 8, Novermber 'Nov' speaks to the # 9 and December 'Decem' means 10. Counting backwards you will find March being the first month and not the last.

This information has always been sitting in our faces even with the great year. December has been treated like the last month of the year but its been the 10th month for the longest. February is actually the last month of the year which host part of the sign of Aquarius which is the actual last sign of the Zodiac. I will cover this in more details a little further down in this article.

Now it shouldn’t be of any surprise that September being the 7th month and Libra being the 7th sign actually lines up because that's the way the ancient knew it to be. If we count backward we will find the first sign from the 7th month and sign:

7 month September - Libra
6 month August - Leo
5 month July - Cancer
4 month June - Gemini
3 month May - Taurus
2 month April - Aries
1 month March - Pisces

and it seems only logical that the ancients were on point. March is the first month hosting the first sign which is Pisces. When looking at this it kind of reminded me of this old saying, "that which was first will be made last and that which is last will be made first", Jesus/Ya`shua said something similar if I'm not mistaken. Its kind of funny because Pisces was made last many centuries ago but today Pisces is being made first again, giving it its rightful place.

This willful and intentional confusion was given to the people when they took out the sign called ‘Serpentarius’ or ‘Ophiuchus’ which means ‘Serpent holder’. First let me clear this up, many people speak of this sign as though it’s the 13th sign but it’s not the 13th sign, Aquarius actually holds the position of 13. Serpentarius which I prefer to call ‘Naga’ is the 10th sign which was replaced with the month December. On an astronomical level this sign Ophiuchus/Serpentarius aka Asclepius enters into our view on Decemeber 3 and how long we stay in that sign varies between 19 to 21 days. This sign December is actually in the wrong place because Asclepius belong there. December should be the 11th month or whatever name that should go there but on astrological level Asclepius belong in that space.

This now takes us into ancient Astrology which used a system of 7 planets yet I suggest 8 the sun (Sirius) behind the sun. Before I jump into this area I feel it necessary to explain the legend behind the Serpentarius/Ophiuchus constellation and the number 13. According to Greek legends Serpentarius aka Asclepius (the Egyptian Imhotep) was murder by Zeus because he was on his way to bring healing herbs to humanity which would have given them immortality and the ability to raise people from the Dead. Asclepius aka Imhotep provides the answer to why this whole month was stripped out because of what he brings; immortality & healing.

Here’s the thing, the number 13 is feared so much for several reasons. Reason 1, they changed the times and dates because they are true combination's that unlock/awaken the essence of the original inhabitants of this planet’s and our god-like potential. It’s like a bike that has a lock on it, if you forget the combination you can’t go anywhere with your bike which is what they did to us. That holds true with time because true time is our combination's or our codes. Reason 2, we found out that the original 13th sign is actually Aquarius which was once believed to be the 12th sign. There is power in knowing and for this reason it was imperative to keep this away from us. Reason 3, on 12.21.2012 which is presently considered December it will be in the constellation of Asclepius aka Ophiuchus, the lost month. This sign represents healing which also represents the healing of our people but that’s not what scares them the most. What sends them over the edge; the real reason, the real fact behind why this sign was killed is because of our immortality or the knowledge of our immortality was being delivered to us.

You see when we acknowledge the lost wisdom and place the pieces back into its correct place we give life back to time and time will give us our immortality back. By giving back the Lunar her missing month assembled in correct order, she gives us back our wisdom. The number 12 is what we’ve been living by but it was always about the number 13. I’m not religious but Jesus had 12 disciples yet people forget to count him who makes the number 13 or the 13th. Then there’s the biblical 12 tribes of Israel but people forget about the sister of the 12 men who makes the 13th.


This video confirms the matriarchal origin as well as the feminine principle as well as unveiling the intentional ignorant silence of the Greeks and Romans who did not understand what they copied and attempted to recreate, SMH!

Amazingly, of all the signs...the 13th sign is the only sign that is of an actual Kemetic figure that really lived. We know him as IMHOTEP !!!...and again, you are right. This was a blatant attempt to hide the matriarchal order of our reality and beginning since it coincided with the moon, which like a woman, has a 28 day cycle.
It is known to many persons who are not students of the occult that the Tarot is a method of divination by means of 78 symbolic picture cards, to which great antiquity and high importance are attributed by several expositors. And the literary history of the Tarot is also fairly well known. In ancient times the number 13 became a number of fear and superstition because the 13th card of the Tarot is the card of Death, and is pictured as a skeleton (the symbol of death) with a scythe reaping down men in a field of newly grown grass where young faces and heads appear cropping up on all sides. This image later became known as “The Grim Reaper,” and it was ascribed to the planet Saturn. In medieval England the standard fee of the hangman was 13 pence - a shilling and a penny...

But 13 is not an unfortunate number, as is generally supposed. It has become so firmly associated in the popular mind with the notion of “bad luck” that it is easy to forget the fact that in the ancient mystic religions 13 was the characteristic number of participants in many orders and occult groups, including sacred meals – a fact reflected in the size of the original Nazarene Last Supper. And it can be clearly shown that 13 is not only the most cherished number of the United States, but also the most fortunate number for Africans, African-Americans, and people the world over of African descent. We shall begin with the United States:

Starting with the 13 colonies, the first national flag had 13 stars, and even today it still has 13 stripes. On the green side of the dollar bill there are 13 steps in the pyramid of the Great Seal. The motto above the pyramid, which reads “Annuit Coeptis,” has 13 letters; the eagle on the right side has a ribbon in its beak that bears the motto “E pluribus unum,” which contains 13 letters. The eagle has 13 tail feathers, and on its breast there is a shield of 13 stripes. In one talon the eagle holds 13 arrows, and in the other an olive branch with 13 leaves and 13 berries. Over the eagle’s head are 13 stars that form the six-pointed “Star of David.”

The phrase “July the Fourth” contains 13 letters and the number 4 (1+3), the birth number of the U.S. (July 4, 1776), which leads us to the real reason why the “founding fathers” chose this date as the official birth date of the United States:

In the occult science of numerology it is said that, “He who understands the number 13 will be given power and dominion. It is a number of upheaval and destruction; a symbol of power which, if wrongly used, will wreak havoc and destruction upon itself.” Astronomically, on July 4th the longitude of the Sun is 12° Cancer in the Heavens, and on this date the Sun conjoins the great star Sirius, whose longitude is 13° Cancer. Sirius is a first-magnitude star that is 40 times brighter than the Sun, and is the star that rules all African people. It was venerated in ancient Egypt from time immemorial, and was held in great reverence by the ancient Egyptians because it rose heliacally with the Sun at dawn during the inundation of the Nile River, the lifeline of ancient Egypt.

In astrological parlance it is said: “If the great star Sirius is well-placed in a horoscope, it will contribute to the amassing of wealth and the acquisition of fame and honor.” Sirius conjuncts the Sun in the horoscope of the United States, in the 2nd house of money and material possessions. The Part of Fortune is 13° Capricorn – opposing the Sun and Sirius – in the 8th house of other people’s resources! These powerful cosmic patterns explain, astrologically, the great wealth of this country (much of which was acquired through the ignominious practice of slavery)...

Cancer is the fourth (1+3) sign of the zodiac, and it rules the continent of Africa, its inhabitants, and people the world over of African descent. The Moon rules Cancer, and is therefore the cosmic ruler of all African people. The average celestial motion of the Moon is 13° per day, and 13 weeks is the time it takes the Earth to travel from the equinoxes to the solstices. For example, it takes the Earth 13 weeks to travel from the first day of spring (March 20th) to the first day of summer (June 21st); 13 weeks from the first day of summer to the first day of fall (Sept. 23rd); 13 weeks from the first day of fall to the first day of winter (Dec. 21st); and it takes the Earth 13 weeks to travel from the first day of winter to the first day of spring...

[13x4=52, which is the time it takes (in weeks) the Earth to make one complete revolution around the Sun, and in most years lunations (i.e., conjunctions between the Sun and Moon) occur[B] 13[/B] times.]

The fear of the number 13 is unfounded internationally as well. It is an honored number in many countries throughout the world. There are 13 occurrences of the quantity 13 in the design of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh in Egypt, the largest stone edifice ever built. In the Indian Pantheon there are 13 Buddhas. The mystical discs that surmount Indian and Chinese pagodas are 13 in number. Enshrined in the Temple of Atsuta in Japan is a sacred sword with 13 objects of mystery forming its hilt. And 13 was the sacred number of the ancient Mexicans – they had 13 snake gods.

The 13th letter of the English alphabet is M, which finds its roots in the 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, “mem” (meaning mother), which was the ancient Phoenician word for water. The ancient Egyptian word for water was “moo.” M is the most sacred of all the letters, for it symbolizes water, where all life began. It is the root of the word “mother,” and relates to the evolutionary destiny of Africans, African-Americans, and all people of African descent who are ruled by the number 13:

The Chosen Caretakers of the Universe...

What was that about 13 degree Capricorn and 13 degree Cancer?


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