Black Atheists : Can an athiest be spiritual?

The bible? Have you ever read the bible? The bible has as much scientific truths in it as the The Silmarillion written by the late Tolkien. Jews for example were never slaves in Egypt, at least not in large numbers. There is absolutely no archaeological evidence for it. Jews might have been mercenaries. It's all a big work of fiction by somebody who dreamed about the big superpower of the day, Egypt.

Here is a massive list of biblical inconsistencies.

I apologize I didn't articulate that very well "Slick Beast". What I was trying to convey was that the bible has stories that correlates to the stories of ancient civilizations. The bible may be duplicating the Summarian stories of the Annunaki??? If this is so, then we are in a period of huge enlightenment and unfolding. It's all coming to LIGHT. No?

So to answer YOUR question, yes I have read a lot of the bible, and I had noticed that it's full of biblical inconsistencies. One of the reasons I am not a religious follower.
The bible has a lot of value but to see it you first have to reject most of what Christianity has been saying the bible is. The bible is like the Bhagavad Gita and the Book of Coming Forth Into Day. Which is to say that the bible is not an historical record, nor is it a science textbook. The bible, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Book of Coming Forth Into Day are spiritual myths carefully designed to confuse the unenlightened while educating the enlightened.

In that regard, both Christians and Atheists are the unenlightened because they both are, unwisely, judging the bible by whether or not it is an accurate historical record.

Zen Buddhists 'get' this because their spiritual practice prepares them to make sense out of what appears to be nonsensical koans when viewed literally.
if I was given 1 dollar everytime i hear something like this ill be millionaire by now.
if I was given 1 dollar everytime i hear something like this ill be millionaire by now.

There is a reason it makes no sense to you, yet others wonder why everyone doesn't get it. The reason has to do with what a field of science called Neuroplasticity is revealing. Neuroplasticity is revealing that the brain does not have fixed capacity to learn, but rather functions in many ways like a muscle --- a concept you can relate to.

People who have developed a regular habit of exercising the regions of their brain used to grasp spiritual concepts end up with that region of the brain being strengthened. Certain experiments with laboratory rats have even revealed physical changes in targeted regions of the brain.

Hence, if you are a committed atheist, one who purposefully avoids exercising the regions of your brain used to grasp spiritual concepts, those 'muscles' will have a difficult time grasping spiritual concepts.

I suspect the non-Christian people who you have heard speaking of the spiritual relevance of the bible were also people who regularly exercise the aforementioned brain regions via meditation. And, note, this is not some harebrained notion from the mind of Istlota but the subject of an article from as conservative a source as the Wall Street Journal:
There is a reason it makes no sense to you, yet others wonder why everyone doesn't get it. The reason has to do with what a field of science called Neuroplasticity is revealing. Neuroplasticity is revealing that the brain does not have fixed capacity to learn, but rather functions in many ways like a muscle --- a concept you can relate to.

People who have developed a regular habit of exercising the regions of their brain used to grasp spiritual concepts end up with that region of the brain being strengthened. Certain experiments with laboratory rats have even revealed physical changes in targeted regions of the brain.

Hence, if you are a committed atheist, one who purposefully avoids exercising the regions of your brain used to grasp spiritual concepts, those 'muscles' will have a difficult time grasping spiritual concepts.

I suspect the non-Christian people who you have heard speaking of the spiritual relevance of the bible were also people who regularly exercise the aforementioned brain regions via meditation. And, note, this is not some harebrained notion from the mind of Istlota but the subject of an article from as conservative a source as the Wall Street Journal:

Clearly you seem to be getting it? What is it a guide to after or spiritual world to you? A guide to what color of light you must follow to gain a better rebirth? Better, if you are getting it, you must have some mystical power. In that case, I recommend you take the Randi challenge for $1 milllion dollar. So far many charlatans have tried none have succeeded.I know I'm not getting.

I know a crazy woman who sees all sort of things. according to her I'm not quite getting it as well. For your information I meditate in and out of trance easily to achieve a peaceful state. There's nothing mystical about it, just natural abilities. Meditation is about the only tool a religion has ever provided to me and proved useful.


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