Black Christians : EUROPE Before Europeans.

Chevron Dove

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2009
When the Continent of EUROPE Was Known as BERIA: the Land of Many Sorrows;
Black History in Europe, Part I

Beria & Siberia--Celtiberia--Hibernia--[G]Iberia--Bering Strait--Liberia--Berbers--Bermuda--

One of the reasons why it might be difficult to understand ancient Black History in regards to Europe, perhaps, has to do with the differences in place names used today as oppose to the past. Europe was given to Semitic people. It was the land of Shem. In addition, Europe was not regarded as a continent by ancient people and was considered to be apart of Siberia or land that stretches far beyond Europe [Eurasia]. Ancient land boundaries were determined by nature’s rivers. Bible prophecy becomes impossible to understand without understanding, for instance, that Italy--where the great Roman Empire set up--was once regarded as Semitic lands and, Greece was also Semitic lands. In fact, the great empires of the past; the Assyrian Empire, the Persian Empire, the Greek Empire and, the Roman Empire set up in the lands of Shem. The Babylonian Empire was true to its origins; Cush Ham [the Chaldeans]. So, even though the Romans were not Semitic, they took possession of Semitic lands. Even though the Medo-Persians were not Semitic, they are defined as such, today and, they came to dominate lands that were given to the ancient descendants of Shem. Because the place names used today are not defined in connection with the aboriginal Shemites, our minds have become detached and we cannot envision true Black History in ancient Europe. In addition to this ‘understood’ land inheritance of Shem (Semitic people), like today, ancient lands became further divided up and it became understood that certain kinds of people dominated certain regions in Europe. Since ancient names of significant people of the past became associated with land, this becomes essential in understanding past history and further defines why the continent (or, subcontinent) of Europe was once known as Beria. By comparing and contrasting other similar ancient people and countries that include the name ‘Beria’, history can be connected to an origin. And, the Danube River [Dan-Nubian river; var. Donau river] leads to such an origin.

The root name of ‘Dan’ becomes connected to the distant past and present. It stretches way far back before the Pre-dynastic age and carries very many definitions but, the most pivotal meaning would be ‘judge’. Also, it becomes the one name that defies false history in regards to ‘the horse’ and the age of horse back riding which attaches to the name of ‘Dan’. Most modern historians give credit to the ancient white civilization, ‘the Scythians’, the blonde haired, blue-eyed and bearded horsemen of Russia, for being the first kind of men to tame the wild horse and later use them for horseback riding. They became known as ‘the Spirit Breakers’ from the great Russian Steppes [flatland] and became apart of the ancient Hittite Empire in Central Turkey where they were known to manufacture the many chariots they soon traded in the South world. In the Egyptian civilization during the Bronze Age, these Scythians [Scathian; Cathai of the northeast world] became associated with ‘the Hyksos horse and chariot men’. They became famous during the days of the Biblical Joseph in the 1800s-1700s BC [the Bronze Age] for breaking the spirit of horses in the Steppe regions of Russia and in Mittannia [Assyria] and then they traded them to the Babylonians and in Egypt. Much later in time, during the Persian Empire times around the 500s BC, it became written that these same people began to mount the horse and influenced the Mandans of the Medo-Persian empire to become associated with the history of horseback riding. The Persian empire began to use horseback riders to deliver messages throughout their empire. Depictions of them show ‘the stirrups’ that began to be used around these times and follows this ‘age of horseback riding’ all the way to ‘Cathay’ [China] where even the famous Huns of the far east were also shown with the stirrups. But this historical account conflicts with the word ‘Dan’ which goes much farther back in time, thousands of years before the 1800s BC Bronze age. The ‘horse’ connects to the very name of ‘Dan’, and also to the continent of Africa in the land of ‘the Sudan’; the South World Dans! This horse culture of ‘the Dans’ becomes a clue to the lost Black History of Europe and gives light to the reason why there were so many places names in Europe even today, with the name of Dan.

Thousands of years before the Hyksos Horse and Chariot traders of the Late Bronze Age had formed and even before the 3000s BC, it was written that wild, short legged brown horses in a region of the Sudan had roamed. It was in this region that aboriginal men of ancient Africa had dared to tame and then mount these wild horses. Because groups of wild horses retreat in grassy pastures and, because this grassy land area became known as ‘dens’, the name of ‘Dan’ became attached to the kind of aboriginal men of the Sudan that mounted these wild horses. Amazingly, it would be this name, ‘Dan’ that marks time and places the first horseback riders back before the pyramids were even built and to be in the land of Seth. It would also be the very name that marks time and becomes the foundation of mankind when they began to produce male lineages that came to dominate this world! The very word ‘DYNASTY’ [Dynasty; Den or Danaste] then, comes from the word ‘DEN’ and connects the horsemen of ancient Africa by date to a time even before the age of dynasties! Even more amazing would be the very name of ‘the Sudan’ which means ‘South world Dans’ and defines the earliest aboriginal man in connection with the wild horses of Africa. It would be from this part of the earth that anything to do with horses actually originate--not in Russia but--in Africa. In fact, the history of the horse culture can follow a chronological path in connection to ancient cultures beginning from Africa and then becoming transplanted into Europe and then spreading out from Europe westwards into Canada and eastwards into Turkey and so forth. This can become seen in the following words; ‘Sudan’, ‘Danubian’, ‘Donau’ [Danube river], ‘the Don River’, ‘Denmark’ [Danmark], the Nadene culture of Canada [CanaDan-Nadene; La Dene] and, ‘the Trojans’ [Troy & the famous Trojan Horse] and, all of these names have a history with the horse and horseback riding some thousands of years before the Scythians and the Hyksos people formed. Although the word ‘Don’, in the word ‘Donkey’ [***] later became derogatory, it becomes the very connection of the kind of short legged brown horses of Africa that became mounted and later defined certain kinds of men that brought this culture from Africa into Europe and elsewhere. They became ‘the Dons’, the horsemen of the north world [Don-Nod; Nod or north], that settled along the Donau river [Danube River], the Don river, London [Lon-Don] and in the knolls [mounds or hill lands] and elsewhere.

The very definition of the word ‘Dan’ as meaning ‘judge’, ‘Dynastic rulers’ and ‘king’ [inherited rule] became so firmly attached to symbolism with the horse that it becomes a dominant theme in the Holy Bible! Dan becomes synonymous with the horse! In the Book of Revelations, the horse becomes the ultimate symbolism for the rule of certain empires. The color of horses described in Revelations, connected not only to the evil or good spirit of certain governments or kingdoms but, the horse also came to define a certain kind of people that headed up these governments. Shem, the high priest of the world next after Noah was many times depicted on horseback by the ancient pagan Greeks and he was known as ‘Sabazeus’ [Black Zeus]. Jesus, the king of kings, a descendant of Shem [Abraham-Shem] is always associated with ‘the horse’ in relation to being the ultimate ‘judge’ and Nasserite war king [Sem priest]! The Blessing of Dan [a tribe of Israel] incorporates the spirit of the horse and the meaning of judge. The name of ‘Daniel’ means ‘the summation or judgment of mankind in 1000 year increments’. Certain men of the tribe of Joseph [Ephraim] became famous for horseback riding long before the Persian empire times. . . . mostly though, it was the descendants of ‘Ham’ [Cham] that bridges the past and present. They become the first horsemen even before Shem and this was why the name of Danube [Dan-Nubian] is apart of Europe today! It puts ‘the Nubians’ of Africa in ancient Europe and as being apart of a shared civilization with Shem and, reveals the presence of early black people! The Dans [horsemen] of Africa formed an early cultural bond with certain aboriginal Shemitic men that became so powerful and enormous that . . . How did this history become invisible!? The history is endless. From this bond came the horsemen of Shem [Greeks], such as ‘the Danaans’. This horse culture gave rise to the name of Denmark of which was written in the Webster also as ’Danmark’. Furthermore, the confirmation to the early presence of these ancient Black Horsemen of Europe and the enormous hidden history in all of Europe may rest in secrets unfolded in this southern Scandinavian country called Denmark [Danmark; the Danes]! It was here that many a dark tales became finally written and may shed light on why Europe became known as ‘Beria’, the Land of Many Sorrows. Their ancient ‘Dolmen Stones’ [gravesites] tell a story that attaches them to the many Dolmen Stones left behind to mark the graves in the Sudan of North Africa and follows a history all the way across Siberia even to the land of Korea!

The descendants of Kemet then, become the earliest post-flood ‘Dans’ [horsemen] and are associated with the horse and horseback riding long before the Scythians. In the land of Babylon and the southern parts of Turkey, the Dans of Kemet are written to perfect horseback riding and ‘horse jumping’ and they repeated this from the more distant past of the Pre-dynastic age. As can be seen in the name of the descendants of Cush Ham, they were the first Dans [Dedans] recorded chronologically in the Book of Genesis, the genealogy of the descendants of Adam, and, they become attached to the land of Raamah [Goshen] in North Africa. They were the first judges of a great empire too! From Africa, the horse culture spread all throughout ancient Europe and became the very symbolism in ancient Troy and all of Turkey. But the mysterious southern bog lands of Scandinavia was where pagan human sacrifice rituals became written to have become a dismal part of history and it was hear that tales such as ‘the headless horseman’ and ‘the Boogie man’ [Boggy man] may have become supplanted from the east. These dark mysterious stories might connect to the past and to the presence of the early pagan Celts of the east world of whom also became an early part of this western world of Europe. The Celtic migrations into this continent from the east and their history actually connects to both names ‘Beria’ and ‘Europe’ but ironically, their presence also leads to another deeper revelation: The definition of the name ‘Beria’ was changed from ‘another earlier and original meaning’ and, as a result of evil practices that took away the peace from the land of Europe, this meaning was changed to become ‘the Land of Many Sorrows. But this revealing of its original meaning comes through the presence of another history; the descendants of Joseph. The name of the grandson of Joseph was Beria. This man was born in Egyptian captivity under the Hyksos Horse and Chariot rulers. But eventually, the descendants of Joseph and Beria became the strongest and most powerful tribe of Israel at the time of the Exodus The history of their descendants connect to the history of Europe and sheds much light on the past and present.

First Printed February 2009
European Religions

The religious history of Europe was was particularly complex before Christianity firmly established itself, a process which was ongoing until relatively recent times in some areas. Before the spread of Christianity, each country had its own indigenous religious traditions, sometimes maintained in isolation but in more accessible regions absorbing influences introduced by trading and successive waves of invasion. The 1st millennium BCE saw the expansion of the Celtic peoples throughout Europe, reaching as far north as Britain by 450 BCE to be followed by incursions by pre-Christian Germanic tribes such as the Angles, Saxons and Jutes, during the first millennium CE. In 55 CE the Romans invaded Britain, pushing the Celts to the Western fringe of Europe (Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Cornwall, Brittany). The Roman Empire spread pre-Christian religions such as Mithraism and the Imperial cult throughout Europe, before also facilitating the spread of Christianity.
Apart from the invasions of various European tribes into each others' territories, incursions came from the Middle East. Jewish communities in Egypt were Hellenized under Alexander the Great in the 4th Century BCE, Greek replacing Aramaic as their language, and some Jews formed communities in Greece. Judea became a vassal of the Roman Empire in 63 BCE, and with the growth of the Empire, the Jewish people spread throughout Europe. However, due to the nature of Judaism as a religion based on matriarchal lineage, it remained peculiar to the close knit Jewish communities and thus its religious influence upon other European peoples was limited. The Jewish mystical tradition of the Kabbalah was developed by Jews in Spain, and written down in the 13thcentury, and after the expulsion of Jews from Spain it became known to the rest of Europe, producing a school of Christian Kabbalists, and influencing many peoples up to the present day. But perhaps the main spread of Judaic ideas in Europe came through its two offshoots, Christianity and Islam.

Since Christianity had its origins in Judea when it was under Roman occupation, its message was easily spread throughout the Empire, the Acts of the Apostles recording the first missionary journeys after the death of Christ, some of which were to Greece and Rome. Though there was initially some resistance to the new religion, once Christianity became established it rapidly spread throughout Europe as missionaries made it their goal to convert everyone to the religion of Christ. It was not until the 7th century, however, that Christianity had much success in Northern Europe when missions from Ireland Christianised much of Britain and Northern Europe; but the occupying Saxons resisted until they were converted at swordpoint in 804 CE. Even at this time, Christianity was not secure in North West Europe, for the Norwegian and Danish Vikings, who were not Christianised until the 11th century, were raiding and settling areas of Britain, France, Germany, and the Netherlands in the 8th-10th centuries CE.

Islam began in Mecca in about 610 CE, and by 634 the Muslims had defeated the Byzantine army and conquered Syria and Palestine in 637. Egypt fell soon after, and the first Muslim incursions into Europe began with the invasions of Spain in 711 and the establishment of an independent Muslim state there in 750. The Muslim armies reached France, but were driven back to the Pyrenees, though they retained their hold on Spain until Christian military pressure finally forced the last Sultan of Granada to surrender in 1492. The long years of religious Crusades between Christians and Muslims led to a greater knowledge of Islam and the re-introduction of knowledge and literature lost to Europe in the Dark Ages but kept secretly in the Muslim areas. The Ottoman Empire of the 15th/16th centuries included much of South-Eastern Europe, and led to Muslim contact with European states of a military, diplomatic and commercial nature. However, it has been largely in modern times, since the end of the Second World War, that Islam has had a deeper influence on European religious life, with some westerners converting to Islam and a large number of Muslims emigrating and settling in Europe.
Afro-Europe International Blog

A History Of Black People In Europe

Monday, Aug. 23, 2010

It is generally known that black people have been residing in European countries since the early colonial times. But even before the 15th century and during Roman times, a time when colour of skin still wasn’t a racist stigma but just another physical feature, black people lived in Europe. Remains of a man with black African features were found in England recently, dating his life back to the 13th century. Read this article for more info.

Besides that, facts have been found of black people living in different parts of Europe, although I don’t want to overstate their presence or influence. But it is generally known that during the Muslim era of the Iberian Peninsula (from the 8th century AD until the 15th century AD) people with dark skin were part of daily live. The Muslims who invaded Spain and Portugal around 700 AD were a mixture of black and dark people from North-Africa. They were often referred to as Maures, wrote about and painted, way before the dehumanization of black people started.

I added above Jan Mostaert's portrait of a nobleman, guest of the Queen of Austria. This painting dates back to the early 1500's in what we now call Belgium, then part of the Duchy of Brabant. There is no doubt this man has African roots while being a respected member of European culture. We can only guess that this man is of Maure origin, i.e. a Muslim having converted to Christianity or even the second or third generation of converts.

Below I will go deeper into the subject. I will give you some internet links, book references and a list of early Europeans of African descent, each time linked to their wiki page. If you know more about the subject I invite you to add information in a comment.

Al Andalus

Many blacks who were Muslims converted to Christianity after the emirate of Al Andalus was abolished (end of 15th century). But the Reconquista took centuries (8th-15th century) and during those times black people gradually integrated the Christian and Northern European world. Among them were noble men and scholars. The negative image of blacks, as natural slaves, only gained prominence in the 18th century when the transatlantic slave trade became a central piece of European economical activity and later when European nation-states were being established.

Afro-Europe International Blog

A History Of Black People In Europe

Monday, Aug. 23, 2010

It is generally known that black people have been residing in European countries since the early colonial times. But even before the 15th century and during Roman times, a time when colour of skin still wasn’t a racist stigma but just another physical feature, black people lived in Europe. Remains of a man with black African features were found in England recently, dating his life back to the 13th century. Read this article for more info.

Besides that, facts have been found of black people living in different parts of Europe, although I don’t want to overstate their presence or influence. But it is generally known that during the Muslim era of the Iberian Peninsula (from the 8th century AD until the 15th century AD) people with dark skin were part of daily live. The Muslims who invaded Spain and Portugal around 700 AD were a mixture of black and dark people from North-Africa. They were often referred to as Maures, wrote about and painted, way before the dehumanization of black people started.

I added above Jan Mostaert's portrait of a nobleman, guest of the Queen of Austria. This painting dates back to the early 1500's in what we now call Belgium, then part of the Duchy of Brabant. There is no doubt this man has African roots while being a respected member of European culture. We can only guess that this man is of Maure origin, i.e. a Muslim having converted to Christianity or even the second or third generation of converts.

Below I will go deeper into the subject. I will give you some internet links, book references and a list of early Europeans of African descent, each time linked to their wiki page. If you know more about the subject I invite you to add information in a comment.

Al Andalus

Many blacks who were Muslims converted to Christianity after the emirate of Al Andalus was abolished (end of 15th century). But the Reconquista took centuries (8th-15th century) and during those times black people gradually integrated the Christian and Northern European world. Among them were noble men and scholars. The negative image of blacks, as natural slaves, only gained prominence in the 18th century when the transatlantic slave trade became a central piece of European economical activity and later when European nation-states were being established.



I heard alittle about Andulas on the Rick Steve's travel show on televison. And I was surprised to see paintings that showed 'Indians' in the Americas that were 'Negroes' during the AD 1500s on the travel shows about Portugal. I suppose white historians are slowly offering more truths about early Black people in Europe by and by. It's a slow process.


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